Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Any Cute Picnik Quotes?

Nothing is so bad that it is not good for anything would be wonderful lines

The two pitchers

A woman had two jugs, but the one of the two had a crack. And so it happened that whenever she went out with the pitchers to get water at the distant wells, one pitcher unfortunately lost half on the way home.

This made the pitcher very sad. And so he asked his wife one day: "Why do you hold me because even if you're doing every day, half the water lost?" She then answered. "Everything in this world is equal, no matter what it provides for a result and if you'd watch out, you would have noticed something: I have flower seeds on your side of the road planted and you have to cast every day with your lost water. Look how they sprout now and bloom! "

And noticed the pitcher that he, too, can accomplish in spite of his weakness wonderful things.

A little story that might know some and if not, he read she would like!
I think they are beautiful!

I wish you a great Wednesday!

your Renate


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