how it looked in the museum ...
naja and it looks at home with us from ...
In the soul, in their midst, a bird standing on one leg.
The soul bird.
And he feels everything we feel.
If someone hurts us, the soul bird
rages around us in;
back and forth on all sides,
and everything hurts. has
If we love someone, makes the soul happy bird jumps
little funny back and forth, back and forth. If someone calls our name,
listens to the voice of the soul bird,
because he wants to know whether they love or evil sounds.
If someone is angry with us, the soul bird makes us very small
is quiet and sad.
And if we take someone's arm, the bird in us bigger and bigger,
until it almost fills us all. So good is he then.
very deep in us is the soul. Nobody has seen it, but everyone knows
that they are alive. And never, not a single time, a man was born without a soul. After slipping the soul in us when we are born, and she never leaves us, not a second, as long as we live. Just as we do not stop even
to breathe from our birth until our death.
sure you want to know, What is the soul bird.
This is very simple. It consists of drawers.
These drawers, we can not open easily, because each
is complete and has its own key.
And the soul is the only bird that can open the drawers.
too, is simple: with his foot.
The soul bird standing on one leg. The second is, if he is still drawn to the stomach. The foot he turns the key to the drawer that he wants to open pulls the handle, and all that is therein, is to light.
And because everything that we feel has a drawer, has the soul bird many drawers.
There is a drawer for jealousy and one for hope.
There is a drawer and a disappointment to despair.
There is a drawer for patience and for waiting too long.
also for hate and anger and reconciliation.
A drawer for idleness and emptiness
and a drawer for the most secret secrets.
This drawer is opened, almost never.
There are other drawers.
you can choose what should be in it.
Sometimes we are jealous
without that we want it. And sometimes we'll destroy something
if we really want to help. The soul bird does not always obey us and brings us
sometimes in difficulties. One can already understand that people are different, because they have different souls birds.
There are birds,
every morning the drawer "joy" to open.
Then people are happy. If the bird
the drawer "anger" opens, the man angry.
And if the bird is no longer shuts the drawer,
hear the man not to be angry. Sometimes the bird
is not good.
Then he makes on bad drawers.
When it comes to the bird well he makes on drawers, which do us good. Some people hear the soul-bird often
some rarely hear him. And some hear it only once in their life.
, so it is good if we listen to the soul bird, deep, deep within us.
Maybe late at night when all is quiet ....
I wish you much joy with the story that certainly know some of you. I must read again and again, because it touches my soul! Maybe it's one or the other, too!
I say THANK YOU for the kind wishes from all of you will accompany me. Maybe I'm soon back home!
I press' you very love!
your Renate
Everyone must find his own way. It is non-always easy, but it's worth looking for the right! It is often not in place, often need a lot of patience and hope!
way to the screen!!
for a night of glory
he stood in a room in a colorful glitter dress
as a beautiful Christmas tree.
But only briefly takes over the dream
Christmas, the night passed,
naked he stands, Christmas tree,
have died away, the Christmas carols. have been
Can all this?
sorry it lowers its branches,
he feels miserable and alone
his Christmas tree existence is low.
shone brightly as his candles, artificial
right, but very nice
it hurts and pulls in his heart, so much he stayed
standing in the room.
over the words he hears:
We need space, he needled much - the tree is quite indignant
joy was his goal.
rudely took it from the branches
All that made him a beautiful, golden balls
the very best
shone only one night!
He looks through the window next door,
go out there no candles,
there shines a tree so bright and beautiful,
it hurts him to see this.
He was just not a Christmas tree,
as known from childhood,
was only decoration - from the Dream
Christmas was here just for gifts. Once it is
still shine in the bright fire, his heart Christmas tree, and it blazes
heavenward with all their might
with bright flames.
© Renate Harig 08/01/2011
Our Christmas tree had well, he certainly has the Christmas spend so, as a Christmas tree just heart desires, I guess.
Much love
your Renate